White Wings



Automatic translation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually

That day, the autumn lift, already turned into a gale, could not find white wings to scrap…

In fact, many centuries ago the world had succumbed to the stupidity and irresponsibility of the human being… human…? Well, in the end it was just one more label… Just like “AI”, that beautiful one that had to reverse climate change and restore prosperity to man…

Short Story White Wings
Short story White Wings ©Montse Valls and Juan Genovés. Image ©Jan Behnisch on Unsplash.

The only thing that was achieved is that the elements… The sea more than any other, in a short time, devoured a large part of the earth… Only some of the tallest buildings showed their last and decadent meters in the middle of the murky waters, still poisoned by plastics that almost covered them…

Life was over… At least that’s what it seemed… That day… Without anyone knowing it… Right on one of the highest, icy peaks of what had been called Europe, Edelweiss was born… The cycle began again, it was only necessary to know which new species would replace man as the most ruthless predator to destroy again… Or if God, in his infinite mercy, would endow –this time yes– the new being with goodness and intelligence necessary, to make that predominant specimen, as well as its world in the image and likeness of the goodness of the Creator…

White Wings – Short stories series – Copyright ©Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés

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