Synopsis of: El Laberinto de Ariadna (Written in Spanish)
El Laberinto de Ariadna – Thriller. In this intrigue novel, (written in Spanish), the main thread of his plot, are the love and lack of love, which often lead to disaster. It begins its action when, suddenly, the world that Roger had built, begins to crumble.
Roger meets Raquel and falls madly in love with her and, apparently, she with him.
On the same day of the wedding a strange character leaves an incredible gift. Since this instant, anomalous behaviours begin to appear within the relationship.
These strange situations that live, little by little, undermine Roger’s morale. It must take a long time for Rachel to tell her a secret that has conditioned her life until then.
From that moment on, life as a couple changes and improves markedly and later two twin girls, Clio and Melpomena, confirmed this improvement with their birth.
Clío gets a strange and deadly disease, which along with her will also consume her parents’ happiness.
In a very short time, having everything he wanted, Roger happens to lose everything: his wife, his job, his daughter… Although he tries to overcome it by repeating himself that the good thing about losing everything, is that you have nothing left to lose, the reality is that you must build a new life on a basis of resentment.
El Laberinto de Ariadna – Thriller. If you have been through a divorce, this is your book… and if you have not suffered this experience, think that maybe it may be useful for you…