Automatic traslation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually
The dim light of the carbide lantern, hanging from the mainmast of the little fishing boat, made an effort in vain to break through the dense fog that made it difficult to find the way to port…

The fishing had been fruitful, but the desperate calm, the brutal fog and the intuition of the three men who crewed the little boat, filled the atmosphere with bad omens…
They knew that if the sea turned hostile, perhaps they should dump part of their cargo… the little boat was overweight…
The change of the weather
Suddenly, the wind picked up and an incessant spray of cold drops of water began, first shamefully, soon after mercilessly…
The waves, getting bigger and bigger, compromised safety…
Suddenly, the sweet voice of Marta, his wife, sounded in the boss’s head: Follow my tears… in them you will find the light that will bring you back home…
Through the rain he saw large luminous drops appear that seemed to indicate the way. No one else saw them, only Pedro, who, full of love and emotion, allowed he to be guided by his wife. The rest of the crew had the sensation of moving away every again from the coast. When a little more than half an hour later, in the mist, the lighthouse appeared, then the siren that sounded, but above all a beautiful road lined with luminous tears, marking the route to the window of the house, where Marta prayed, submerged in a sea of magical tears…
Shortly after Pedro’s tears added even more light to the path…
The love they both professed had given them to continue living… They knew that their love, if they took care of it, would protect them from any evil…
The Dim Light of the Fanal – Short stories series – Copyright ©Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés