The Future



Automatic translation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually

August 16, 2030

I am sitting on a wonderful terrace near the sea. The climate is pleasant, it is hot, but it is not overwhelming. The sun, without hesitation, illuminates the bodies that, lying on the sand, enjoy its caress.

I notice two girls, especially one of them, who are really beautiful. Their sculptural bodies are covered only by a few inches of fabric that cover nothing more than what is necessary, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Futur. Image by ©Gian Cescon on Unsplash

I cannot, nor do I wish to, take my eyes off her precious breasts, whose nipples struggle to emerge from those tiny triangles of cloth that barely cover them. I feel some excitement.

Suddenly a tremendously muscular man with an apparent bad mood approaches the two young women and, without a word, grabs the one who is the target of my gaze by the arm and jerks her up…

The young woman, horrified, notices the hands of that madman shamelessly traveling all the corners of her body… After an instant that seems to me eternal, the girl lets out a scream of fear.

Nobody reacts; they simply observe the scene for a moment and lie down again to enjoy the sun… That does not go with them.

I can’t contain my rage and I shoot off the terrace. I go quickly towards the cress that continues to rub her. Without further thought, he delivered a brutal kick to one knee. He falls on the sand, but in an instant he gets up and comes at me. I receive him with a superb punch on her stupid snout, which begins to bleed…

A few minutes later my speed of movement, my agility and the forcefulness of my blows, despite my smaller size, put an end to the resistance of the huge kestrel that, defeated, collapses at my feet.

The girl, now freed from that lout, is regaining her composure and with tears on her face, she thanks me. I offer to take something from her, to help her recover and, to my stupor, she accepts with pleasure while she smiles at me.

We go to the terrace that a few minutes ago I left to protect her and I ask her for a gin and tonic… A short time later, she is caressing me and confesses that she wants me. I feel an incipient erection and I invite her to come to my house … she nods and she kisses me on her lips intensely…

Just then, the blackout occurs. That blackout that they have been predicting for so long … Pissed off, I take off my virtual reality glasses, which no longer allow me to enjoy my metaverse… I observe my flaccid body, lacking exercise and a good diet … the erection of my small member has disappeared and then I burst into tears … My grandfather was right when he said that so many gadgets would turn us into absurd lumps of meat.

The Futur – Short Stories Series – Copyright © Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés