Automatic traslation from the original story in Spanish. Not checked manually
Pól felt absolutely frustrated. He was 19 years old and had not yet managed to become a millionaire.
Because he kept looking at information about the great life that some influencers, youtubers, tiktokers led and also doing what they liked and he, despite having tried it on all the networks he could think of, did not achieve the longed-for success.
He was so deeply disappointed that he had even thought about suicide, since he did not see any way out for his future.
His parents kept telling him to work harder in his studies or, if he preferred, look for a job and to stop the nonsense of getting rich without lifting a finger. That even increased his resentment towards life.

He came to the conclusion that life was denying him what rightfully belonged to him and that made him even more sure of his decision. He would give life a week to treat him fairly or he would commit suicide.
And he thought of different ways to do it and decided that the best of all, living as he did in Doolin, would be to throw himself into the sea from the Cliffs of Moher. At least he would see something beautiful in his farewell.
Absolutely depressed, he went to bed at night. He had a hard time falling asleep, but finally he managed it. His sleep was deep and during it he felt the sensation of being transported to another place…
He woke up startled by a loud explosion. He opened his eyes wide and saw himself surrounded by destruction. Ruined buildings, dead people around him. He looked at his hands and saw that the colour of his skin was no longer white and freckled, his hair was no longer reddish…
He didn’t know where he was. Everything was different… suddenly a voice brought him out of his reverie: —Dawud, run, the Israelites are bombing us… He didn’t know what was happening, he had woken up in Gaza, he was no longer in Ireland and that man, who seemed to be his father, urged him to run. He followed her without knowing why, but fear drove him to do so. Minutes later they were in a basement that seemed to be safer. Now Dawud said: —I’m hungry…
—It’s normal —answered the one who seemed to be his father. —We’ve been several days without hardly eating anything.
Fear and tears gripped the boy’s heart, when another great explosion shook that basement. Immediately after, a familiar voice shouted close to his ear: —Wake up! Get up at once! Let’s see if you can do something good with your life! He opened his eyes and for the first time in a long time he smiled at his mother and said: —I love you, mom. He put his feet on the ground and diligently got ready to go to his studies. This time, yes, with enthusiasm and leaving aside the nonsense.
Wake Up! This is a real life! – Short stories series – Copyright ©Montserrat Valls and Juan Genovés